Lower Secondary Math Tuition
Building strong foundation for secondary school journey

… The other aspect of why we chose habitat was their teaching methodology…. every student is coached individually… The tutor will coach each of them individually based on their school’s curriculum. So, the learning is uniquely relevant to the child. U have to pay them a visit to really understand this part. 🙂
Math Tuition @ Novena
Sec 1 & Sec 2
Some students experience difficulties transiting from Primary Math to Secondary Math. If you are looking to help your child in this transition, we are here to help. Our dedicated teachers will carefully plan a curriculum based on your child’s needs and follow the syllabus set by the school your child is attending.
Math is a core subject which all students have to take throughout their years of education. Math also helps us better our problem-solving skills and help us to think analytically. It also helps us with our reasoning capabilities. Such are the life skills that will help students excel in their lives in future.
Our Math tutors for secondary school students have excellent track records and is able to help students excel in their academic grades because of the following:
Small Class Size ▾
Our math tuition class size is capped at 6 to provide the best learning experience for students. Individual student’s needs can be identified and catered for as teacher is able to spend quality time with student.
Employ KDC Model ▾
We use our K-D-C math model to first help our students set their foundation for math. Students are the drilled for speed and taught how to spot mistakes. These helps them improve their grades fast!
Curriculum Planning ▾
Every new student is required to take an aptitude test. The teacher will then plan his/her lesson according to the school’s curriculum and the depth of understanding from the test.
Encouragement ▾
Unlike Primary math, secondary math can be quite challenging and many students may find difficulties transiting. It is not easy to relate math problems to daily life some times but our teachers try to encourage and motivate students.
Foster Relationship ▾
Fostering the parent-student-centre relationship, our teachers spend time to understand the growing child other needs and provide feedback to the centre. The principal if need to, will discuss with the parents on how to assist the student in need.
What We Do at Habitat
Our lower secondary math tuition focuses firstly on the key concepts and understanding. What follows is the drilling of students for speed as well as keywords identification. Identifying keywords are important as it allows students to understand the context of the question fully before answering them. Our foundation building through lower secondary math tuition helps our students as they advance to their upper secondary level. These steps are our unique Habitat’s K-D-C math model that we apply when we teach our students.
Grasping the key concepts are important as it lays the foundation to scoring in any math topics. Over the years, we realised if students do well in math, it can help them with other subjects too. We go through each math sub-topic key concepts and explain to students in ways that is easier for them to grasp the concept and application.
All newly enrolled students will sit for Habitat’s foundation check test. This allows our teacher to identify students’ weaknesses and provide necessary guidance during the coaching session.
Drilling is speed focus and getting familiar with the type of questions in a particular topic. After grasping the key concepts, students are trained to identify keywords and look out for what kind of answer the question is asking for. Keyword identification is one of the most important factor to do well in math.
We hand out worksheets to the students for practice. These worksheets compile questions from various resources and are also sub-grouped by levels of difficulty. Students may start with the basic questions before attempting the level-3 most challenging ones as they progress.
We would drill the students with questions and thinking speed so that when they look at certain question, they could identify them with questions they have worked on before.
When it comes to tests and exams, being familiar with questions is key and this would increase their confidence in tackling any question. We want them to think, even before attempting the test or exam question, “Hey, I have seen this before. I can do it!”
We probably heard countless times a student said, ”Aiya, it was a careless mistake!”. While we try to be perfect, there would be times we would still make mistakes.
The derived answer for a question has to pass the first check – logical check. Sometimes students may make certain careless mistakes thus deriving at a wrong answer; even when they could be fundamentally sound with the concepts. Certain answer will “look” strange for example having answers with decimals places instead of whole numbers to solve an equation.
When a student is drilled well enough, they will be able to get telltale signs of a mistake and amend their workings accordingly to derive the correct answer.
There are 2 sides to an equation. Deeper checks will be substituting a variable into the equation to see if the result is consistent. Our teachers will guide our students on such checks.
When a student goes through drill and checks, with time, they will also have a better grasp of the key concepts. This helps them to affirm their understanding of a particular concept and gain more confidence.
As success breeds success, our students will definitely get better with math in no time, and scoring for math would be natural.
Many of our students taking lower secondary school math tuition also take up our secondary science tuition. Do check how we assist lower secondary students in their science too!
We as a secondary math tuition centre understands the needs of our students. While our Sec 1 maths tuition assists in the transit of students from Primary to Secondary education, our Sec 2 maths tuition focus on building the foundation for upper secondary math. This in turn prepares them for ‘O’ level exams.
MOE Framework
Highlighted in the Framework are five components, which are integral parts of mathematics learning and problem solving. Adopting this model means our teachers want to focus more on these components and to provide a more engaging and student-centered learning environment. This also promotes greater diversity and creativity in learning.
At Habitat, our lower secondary math tuition assists students to transit between primary and secondary math. This is especially so when more challenging math concepts are taught. Number and Algebra forms a big part of the lower secondary math foundation. Foundation of Geometry & Measurement and Statistics & Probability are also covered in lower secondary. It starts with numbers and operation and then expands to other topics like Algebraic expressions & Formulae, Equations & Inequalities.
The Habitat Aptitude Test
Throughout the years of coaching our students, we have always made sure the students go through an aptitude test before the start of any of our coaching sessions. This test is for our teachers to check on students’ fundamental understanding of key concepts. Our teachers would then be able to tailor make the coaching sessions according to the needs of the students.
We understand it is important for students to know where they stand; meaning how well they know their topics and if they have a solid understanding of their various topics. With this idea came the birth of The Habitat Aptitude Test.
The Habitat Aptitude Test (THAT) is an online test designed for Upper Secondary students for their Chemistry and Physics (suitable for both Pure science or combined science students). Students can choose the topics they want to be tested. The system will generate the questions and students will attempt to answer them via multiple choices.
Upon submitting all the answers, students will then be graded. Students can submit their emails so as to receive a customised report. The report will indicate where are the areas they did well and areas of improvement needed. THAT Challenge is absolutely free for the public.
Since the launch of THAT, we had more than 2,400 attempts for both Chemistry and Physics subjects. So take courage and try THAT challenge now!

Words from Math Tuition Students
“I enjoyed my four years here very much. When I first came here, I did not think I would do well in secondary school. This is because I did badly for PSLE. However, after tuition here, I managed to score As for math and science in school. I must thank all the teachers who taught me well and made me understand topics better, especially my current physics and chemistry teachers.
I made very good memories here, and I enjoyed my time here very much”
Let’s Learn Together!
Looking for secondary math tuition taught by dedicated teachers? We would love to help your child excel in his/her studies. Have a chat with us.
+65 9795-3323
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